今年TES H4的同學,也開始獲得各個學校的
2012 year TES H4 students have got offers from.
Stanford, 史丹佛大學
NYU, 紐約大學
John Hopkins, 約翰霍普金斯大學
UCLA, 加州大學洛杉磯分校
Berkeley, 柏克萊大學
Parsons, 帕森設計學院
McGill, (Montreal) 蒙特婁大學
Imperial (London) 倫敦帝國理工學院
UCL (London) 倫敦大學
The offers from the UK are conditional, meaning
that the students have to achieve certain grades.
The universities in North America are all confirmed
In the May 2012 exam session there were fifty students. Six students scored 40 points and above and have secured places at some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Twenty-nine students scored between 30 and 39 points.The average points score was 33.
Our highest achieving student this year was CY who gained an outstanding 44 points (the maximum number of points possible for IB students is 45). She has now accepted a place at Stanford University to study Molecular Biology –
AC, who scored 43 points, will go on to study at the Technical University, Munich.
MR, who gained 42 points, will study Economics at the London School of Economics.
CC and SOY, who both scored 41 points, will study Architecture at University College, London, and Finance at New York University respectively.
LB, whose Diploma total was 40 points, will study English Literature at University College, London.
Other 2012 TES graduates including the students mentioned above:
In the US our graduates are attending such schools as Stanford, Michigan, Washington, Illinois, UCLA, Maryland, New York andBoston University.
University College London (UCL), Imperial, York and the London School of Economics (LSE) are UK destinations while in Europe our students
will attend Augsburg and THU Munich in Germany, Grenoble in France and Les Roches in
Switzerland. Hong Kong University will also receive TES entrants. In Canada our graduates
will enter the University of British Columbia, Toronto, Waterloo and McGill.