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Finally, I was six months old and I took my first trip to Australia which is my nationality, unfortunately it didn’t go so well on the plane because, I didn’t know that the plane wasn’t a private one so I screamed and screamed and had diarrhea lots of time. When we got to Hong Kong (that’s because of translation) my mom tried to find a nappy for me but she had forgotten to bring nappies for me, it was on the other luggage so she ran to the nearest shop and bought me a adult one because there were no more baby ones. As my mom carried me around with this huge nappy everyone was saying that I was so cute!!!!


When we finally got to Australia, I met my cousin “Amelie”. She was mostly caring and nice to me but, I was not that kind of person. I was fabulous but that didn’t last for a long time (I thought body was the kind of chicken I liked so I bite people with my teeth which is as sharp as ten thousand knives. I know you will think I am awkward and scary but I have bitten about ten people including Amelie, and you definitely don’t know what happened to them.


I talked a lot when I was one and a half my first word was Mommy, the weird thing is every language I speak, the first word is always Mom. A month later I didn’t like to talk, I liked to cry for no reason. I was a flower girl in Malaysia when I was about one and seven months, we did lots of fun things for example giving the bride a cup of tea and wearing Malaysian costumes!! I do have to say that they don’t really look so nice because there is too much picture on it!!


When I was finally 2 and five months old my mom said I could go to Gold Coast Australia. I didn’t really know what that place is so I just stayed there doing nothing, the rest of the day my Mom showed me the photos on the internet all about Gold Coast. The next day my Mom woke me as quick as she can so we can catch the plane.


When we got there I saw someone who really looked liked Amelie, it can’t be her I thought to myself, just then the person who really looked like Amelie tapped on me, oh no I thought to myself it was her. When I was about to bite her my dad pulled me and he told me if I do it again he will pull my teeth out with his very own hands, when I heard that my heart beaten as quick as a jaguar because I still want to talk normally, for the rest of the trip I didn’t even bite anyone!!!Woohoo!


My mom arranged lots of classes for me when I was two and six months for example, ballet, gym, roller skating, cooking and art. I liked all of them but my favorite one was roller skating, ballet and gym because they are really interesting and relaxing!!!


This was how my peaceful, cheerful, wonderful and happy early life started. ( read on to see what is going to happen next. )


Whole new start!


What a whole new start to begin, it was 2006 and I was four years old.

The day I turned four my mom gave me a surprise and it was called going to “Tokyo Disneyland.” I was so happy that I almost cried, when I was younger I always watched Disney movies and my dream was to meet one of those Disney characters!


When my mom woke me up from a good sleep I totally forgot it was time to go. I stayed in bed for about another half an hour. When I was about to turn around to take my cute little lamb doll I saw a picture of Minnie mouse and Mickey mouse. I quickly ran into our car so we can leave.



The trip on the airplane was fantastic for my parents because I slept for the whole entire trip. When we got to Japan we went to our hotel first it was called “Hilton.” I quickly ran to my dad and asked him if we can go to Disney land, the next thing you will hear if you live in our hotel is a loud scream guess who that is? It was me.

We finally arrived at Disney land and my mom and dad took me to the place where you buy tickets. I was too excited so I jumped all around the ticket lady but that gave my parents a mad face and so I had to stop.



My parents carried me around through that wonderful place I kept on wanting to buy things but my mom always pulled me away from those precious things I wanted. When I turned around to see what was going on something caught my eye, it was some Disney princesses. My mom told me to go and take a picture with them but there where too much people so we decided to go on the ride called “It’s a small world.”


There are lots of things in Disney land that made me laugh and smile but I think I was kind of small for most of the rides. My mom had fun playing with me and most of the rides were her choices.


It was two weeks since we had been back from Disney land so my mom and dad told me that I have to go to nursery at a Chinese school. It might not be hard for you but it made my parents go absolutely nuts! The first day I went to that school I kept on screaming, shouting and grabbing on to my moms leg. The whole week was like that when my mom sends me there whatever they say to me was no use. The next week my dad tried to send me there, as he walked in the building I could see him sweating. When he said goodbye I just put my bag on the hook and went straight into our classroom without crying!

The next year I was five and the best thing was that I started a kindergarden called “Happy kids.” The name is kind of weird but I think it is named like that because kids are always happy there!! I met my best friend Jasmine there, I remember we were at lunch and she told me that she is going to a place called “baby bus.” I thought for a moment and said “Do you mean baby boss?”

“Yes sorry, do you want to come with me?”asked Jasmine.


“Sure I will just have to ask my mom.” After school I asked my mom and she said yes I was really happy, after that we became best friends and we haven’t even had a argument yet.



When I was five and a half I was still going to Happy kids, when my dad picked me up from school he said there was a surprise for me!! When I got home I saw my mother smiling very big at me, “You are going to be a big sister!” they said excitedly. I was very happy and so I started to tell people I know.


I was finally five and seven months and TES decided to give me an interview unfortunately I didn’t pass! My dad was really worried because he couldn’t find a school for me because every school was full. My mom told him not to panic because there are still 1 more month of happy kids. We had a big day at ACC (a club) because it was a graduation day for us. We had cakes, shows and even some drinks.


My parents found a school called D.I.S (Dominican International School).

I went to that school for about half a year but everything I did was just cry and cry. The teachers there are so nasty that if you just run a single step they will hit you with a big wooden stick!


I had another interview at TES when I was six and a half and everyone was so nervous that most of them cried. When I came back from school my dad told me I pass the test and I didn’t have to go to D.I.S I was very proud of myself so I didn’t even say goodbye to anyone at that school just my friends. Everyone was so happy and relived that they cried all over again. (Read on to know what happens)


TES is the best


“Don’t be nervous,” my dad told me when I entered my new school TES. I felt like I was so lonely because everyone was playing together except for me. When I got in the classroom I saw a teacher, “Hi, I am Miss Smith and you must be Charlotte.” 

“Yes” I exclaimed. When my dad wanted to leave I cried but just for a little, it was like that for the whole week but the following week I just went in without crying.


It was Christmas and TES had a holiday! We were going back to Australia, this is because my uncle (Mum’s brother) was getting married!! Most of the people on my mom’s side were going there, the trip on the airplane was fine. I think that it is because I am old enough.


When we got to Australia, there was a surprise for me, I saw Amelie! She was so tall, even taller than me. Actually she was way taller than me! Amelie and I swam together, played together, played with her cat together and most importantly fight together!!!!!!!!


The big day finally came, a lot of people came to our house, and the most exciting part was that Amelie and I was the flower girl! We gave the bride and my uncle a cup of tea and a handmade card that we made by ourselves. It was sad to say goodbye but still we have to come back!!


Miss. Smith was very nice to me and I made a lot of friends too! The thing that shocked me was that my enemy at DIS “Nina” was in Mr. Lewis’s class! When she saw me she was shocked too but, one day she asked if we can be friends I said ok and now she is one of my best friends!


The next holiday I went to Japan, unfortunately we didn’t go to Disney Land. However, we went to Hello Kitty Land it was the best place! My sister and I were walking through an Area in the Hello Kitty Land called “The marvelous house.” We went in and there were a lot of things but, we got a little hungry and so we had to go out.

When we were about to go out something pulled me, I turned back. “Oh my god!”I shouted, I was shocked, I saw Hello Kitty waving at me and my sister!!!!!!!!


We came back from Japan and we had a Carnival. I dressed up as a princess (Bell in beauty and the beast.)It was fun but I fell and scraped my knee, and now I still have a tiny little bruise.

It was summer and I was going to Taipei American School (TAS) to play basket with Jasmine. Jasmine and I were in the Laykers team and, we had fun but mostly we lost. We were going back to school and I was finally in the junior section! I was in Mr. Macrailds class and he was also very nice to me.


We played and learned about Egyptians. I really liked year 3 because of Ms.Bagely (EAL teacher) and Mr.Macraild, they made learning a pleasure, I hope they can teach me again! (Unlikely)


That summer I went back to Australia, it was winter there and it was so cold that it only got up to about 1~3 degrees. I usually wake up at 9:00 but this time I woke up at 12:00, I think this because it is too cold!!!!


I went to summer school there, I was fun but there were too many math questions. I came back from Australia and year four was going to begin. I was really excited about going to year four because a lot of people in year 5 and 6 told me that we were going to learn about Aztecs and we were going to make chocolate!!!!!!

(Read on to see what is going to happen next!)  


Best School Years


“Mr. Burley is the nicest teacher in the world.’’ I hear everyone say as they are walk out of the classroom! Mr. Burley was my teacher in year 4 and my EAL teacher was Mrs. Van, they were both very very nice especially funny.


We went to a lot of field trips in year 4 but the one I liked best was Camp Taiwan! Camp Taiwan was my first school trip that I had to sleep away from home, I was really exited but kind of nervous too!


When I got to Camp Taiwan I saw the rock climbing wall! It was about 4 floors high, I was kind of scared when I saw it however I still wanted to try. My tent mates were Jasmine, Nina, Magdalena, Wynne and Shu yi. In Camp Taiwan there are different names for different tents and our tent was named “Bee Hive.”


Everyone wanted to come to our tent because it had stairs on the outside of it. I was kind of disappointed because it was not very convenient for us when the morning bell rings for wake up time. Sometimes we all rush down to brush our teeth and wash our face and my tent mates all fall and hurt our knee. Another reason why I don’t like the stairs is because the gaps always have spider webs in it. I really liked Camp Taiwan and I hope we can go there again in year 5. The following week we made chocolate, it was so delicious that I can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I think year four was the best year ever!!!!!!!!


It was summer again and I went back to Australia (again). This time I went to a snow mountain called Mt.Bulla, it was m y first time skiing but everyone thought I was pretty good! I thought it was quiet hard because once you fall it feels like that you have twisted your leg!


It was finally year 5 and my teacher was Mr. Fagg, the best thing that happened to me was that I was in the same class as Jasmine also I got out of EAL!!!!!!!!!! I was telling my mom and dad that I will get out of EAL next week and I really did, all thanks to my EAL teacher Mr. Martin!!


That Christmas I went to France but the special thing was that I went there all by myself! Going on the airplane without my mom and dad was kind of scary however it was fun and challenging too! I went skiing and I won a bronze medal at a race, it was very fun!! I love France so much and I hope I can go again very soon!!


When I got back to school we had a end year party to laser trecks. Laser trecks is a place where you shoot people with laser guns, it was very fun however, I got very bad scores. I thought year 5 was one of the most craziest and funniest years ever, but I still couldn’t wait to year six because I am in Mrs. Bae’s class and I am in the same class as Jasmine!!(Read on to know my hobbies and friends!!)


Friends and Hobbies


Do you know who my best friend is? As everyone knows it is Jasmine. What can I say about Jasmine? Lots of things firstly, and most importantly she is always nice and kind to everyone. Secondly, she always shares, whatever it is that I need, only two things come out from her mouth “Sure” and “Why not.”Lastly friends always has arguments however, we had never had a single one. (I guess)


My other good friend is Wynne Tseng. She is a very helpful and kind person. In my opinion  Wynne is born to be an artis, every time in art class our teacher will definitely say a compliment !Probably in the future she would enter an art competition !

Wynne is someone you would always want to be with because of her kindness, I hope we can stay say in the same class while we are in this tremendous school TES!!


The last person I want to talk about is Nina. Even though she moved to Singapore when we were in year 5, I will never forget her. I just need to say that she laughs when she fall, eat and sometimes cry. I wish I can go to Singapore to visit her very

often. Honestly, all of them seems like a family to me because of their help and care!!!! I wish we can always be together, even when we are adults!!



I have lots of hobbies, the thing I like to do the most is horse riding. A numerous amount of people say that horse riding is very dangerous however I still like it very much. Even though I have fallen off three times I will never ever give up. I ride a horse called “Sky Boy” I have written about him in lots of stories and diaries! I will never give up on horse riding even if I fall off 100 times.


The next thing I want to talk about is Ice Skating. I really want to have my own skates however it is too expensive! I remember once when I went to the skating place a beginner went to fast so he pushed me over and he also held me up.


The last thing I like is swimming. I have to say that I am not very good at it but, I am starting to improve, I can do all 4 strokes now! Don’t just give up on your hobbies, always try hard and you will be very good at it!!!        


Hopes and Dreams


Times goes so fast! I can’t believe how much I have learnt and how much people I know! I have a lot of hopes and dreams and I am going to tell you right now!


My first dream is to have a puppy. The reason I want to have a puppy is because they are so cute!!! My mom and dad don’t let me have one because they said it stinks and also you have to wash them a lot. Even though I don’t have a puppy, my grandma has 5 puppies so I can go see them every week!


My second dream is to have a horse. The reason I want a horse is because I do horse riding and I don’t want to keep changing horses. My dad says that when I am 13~14 he will surely buy me one horse! Although there are still 3 or 4 years, I have already planned that I want a dark brown horse with purple or white saddles!


I hope that I can go to University in England because I am in a British school, I want to study sports, art and also business.   

The other thing I hope I can do is going to these countries,

Palau, England, Egypt, Norway and Africa. The reason I want to go to Africa is because I want to see the night safari, I also want to go to Palau because I want to go scuba diving. I know there is a lot of place for scuba diving however, Palau is the only place that has jelly fishes that are not poisonous. The last country I want to go to is Egypt, I want to there because I want to learn the different culture also I want to see the gigantic pyramid!!


I wish my last year in this primary school would be perfect. I know it will because we are going to Kenting for our residential trip! Even If we are not going I know it will be perfect to because of my year six teacher Mrs.Bae. I think Mrs.Bae is one of the nicest teacher in this wonderful school TES!!!!      

















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